Sometimes, along with, or prior to, needing help to secure employment, we need help learning the everyday life skills needed to succeed within the real world. Stand Up offers Community Support Services to assist those who are ready to become more independent - however independence looks for them.
Stand Up, Inc. can assist you with your banking needs, budgeting, locating housing, transportation, assistance with obtaining a driver’s license, home skills (laundry, cooking, cleaning), locating available child care, or any other living skill to help you become an independent individual.
Our Employment Specialists can provide life skills training and assistance to individuals in obtaining and maintaining self-sufficiency. Services include:
- Nutrition and meal planning and preparation
- Laundry and clothing care
- Personal hygiene and grooming
- Housekeeping skills
- Budgeting
- Grocery and personal shopping
- Transportation
- Obtaining affordable housing
For more information, please contact, Dan Reichard.