Job Coaching/Training

Once you have been offered employment and accepted, the employment specialist will participate in every necessary step of your training process.  The Stand Up, Inc. representative will train on the job site with you. This will help insure that you understand the job requirements, the company’s rules and requirements and that you know who your supervisors are. 

Once you have been thoroughly trained and you and your supervisor feel confident that you have achieved a pattern of stability on the job, your trainer or job coach will gradually “fade” from the site.  You are now well on your way to achieving independence. (Includes Individual SE and JCTS Job Placement & Training)

We will be around as much, or as little, as you need in order to be successful. We can assist you not only in learning your new job tasks, but also in communicating with supervisors, securing transportation, learning employers' rules and adjusting to all of the new responsibilities that come with your new job.

“My Job Coach helped me by making it possible to go back to work and feel like a productive citizen once again. They believed in me when I couldn’t.”  - Victor Kiehl

For more information, please contact Dan Reichard.
