Project SEARCH is a business-led high school Transition-to-Work program. This one-year employment preparation program that takes place entirely at the workplace, usually a hospital.
Project SEARCH provides unpaid internship opportunities to help young adults who have developmental disabilities gain knowledge and skills that can lead to paid employment.
This ten- month school-to-work transition program targets job seekers who benefit from total immersion in a business setting.
The Project SEARCH model was founded in 1996 at the Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center and has been replicated more than 250 times through the U.S. and internationally.
Project SEARCH interns participate in daily classroom instruction and gain hands-on work experiences by rotating among three unique unpaid internships.
Project SEARCH interns can be found working throughout their host business performing valuable tasks and learning skills that are transferable to competitive, integrated employment.
Stand Up, Inc. is currently a participating partner in 2 Project SEARCH programs. One in Southwest Virginia with Clinch Valley Health and in Central Virginia with Centra Health. These 2 fine organizations are providing an outstanding service to the communities they serve.