Jan 05

Typewriter Artist

By Stand Up, Inc. | News

Every so often, life throws us a curve. It doesn't seem fair or deserved most of the time. But, with the right attitude we can take a not so good situation and turn it into something incredibly powerful. Paul Smith was born with severe cerebral palsy, a disease that causes debilitating physical disability. Did Paul let that stop him from being extraordinary? Watch the video below to see the incredible talent and dedication this man has. I think you'll be amazed and impressed.

Dec 02

Employment First

By Stand Up, Inc. | News

Employment First

A belief that employment in the general workforce is the first and preferred outcome in the provision of publicly funded services for all working age citizens with disabilities, regardless of level of disability.

For many people that receive state funded services, the idea of employment has almost been an afterthought, especially for people with significant disabilities. Other options that have had a higher priority include Day Support, Pre-Vocational training or Sheltered Work in a facility that may have paid wages less than the Federal minimum wage.

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